Simultaneous LDV/PIV-measurements
LDV measurements to characterize the flow characteristics of the test rig and PIV measurements...

On site calibrations for emissions trading
According to the Monitoring Regulation (EU No. 601/2012) and the EU Allocation Regulation Art. 7 para. 1,...

EduPIV: educational PIV
FLOWlab - our teacher- and teaching-friendly PIV system for education: A small circulating water channel with a real ...

Low-cost particle image velocimetry (PIV) system
PIVlab is an easy to use Matlab toolbox that calculates velocities in image data (movies, pictures). It uses a...

PIV measurements for room sensors
PIV measurements were performed inside a test bench for the qualification of room air sensors to determine the...

A new measurement technique for capturing wind velocities on the fly - compared with a precision wind-lidar.

More than 120 on-site calibrations ...
... of flow sensors have been performed in Germany´s largest district heating supply network.

New low-cost PIV systems
Now available: Low-cost, pulsed laser systems by OPTOLUTION

High-speed PIV measurements at a smoke detector
The flow around a smoke detector was measured using our new low-cost hi-speed PIV system...

In-situ calibration of large flow meters
On-site calibrations of nine electromagnetic flow meters in drinking water pipes from DN 600 to DN 1200 were...

Flow measurements in pharmaceutical isolators
Isolators for the pharmaceutical industry (also known as gloveboxes) provide a physical barrier between a...

Wind measuring drone for competitions
A drone-based wind measuring system for hot-air balloon competition pilots has been developed...

Conversion of a Draisine with an autonomous electric drive
An existing, manual Draisine (hand car) was equipped with an electric drive system and sensors....

LDV Measurement of airflow in a suction pipe
LDV measurements were performed on a suction pipe to acquire the volume flow of a street sweeper...

Keyhole technology for measuring internal pipe geometries
A new type of laser-optical measuring device allows the measurement of the inner geometry of coated, large...